Friday, November 30, 2012

Guilty As Charged

Something I didn't know would come along with the Stay at Home Mom gig?  The guilt.  I don't know for sure if this is something that other mothers deal with, but for me I am constantly plagued with the feeling that I should be doing more.

When I left my full time job to stay at home with Rosie permanently, it was an incredibly rewarding feeling.  At the time, she was only four months old so it just felt like an extended maternity leave.  Funny enough, the plan to stay home was not planned.  I was due to return to work the Monday after Mother's Day 2011.  As the time approached, I began to have severe anxiety about leaving her.  Suddenly, the day care that I had chosen just wasn't the right option for me.  I began to wreck my brain with other ways for me to keep the arrangement of being home with her.  As it turned out, on Mother's Day, I had a complete emotional breakdown and basically begged my husband to let me stay home with her.  My office gave me a bit more time to go over the decision, but really it was done.  

I continued to work at a restaurant in town as a waitress four nights a week.  I've been serving there for over nine years, so when I called and begged for more shifts luckily it all fell into place.  I was able to work four nights while being able to stay home and cover the same expenses that I did when I worked at the office.  It hasn't always been easy and it has taken some serious budgeting abilities, but we've done it.  

I wouldn't change a second of my time home with Rose.  I appreciate it day to day because something inside of me keeps reminding me how quickly it is all going and that someday she won't be this little person that adores me.  I watch everything she does and am always trying to find ways to make each day exciting.

Back to my original point, if I don't find something educational or enticing to do with her every day, I put myself through serious guilt trips.  Her weekly schedule involves some kind of class or interaction with other children every single day.  It may be excessive, but sometimes I feel as though by staying home with her, I have benefited myself with time with her and taken away her ability to become more independent and to have the advantage of being in a nursery school with some kind of curriculum.

Don't misunderstand me, she is super independent.  She needs to dress herself, comb her own hair and won't even hold my hand as much as she used to.  When I clean the house, she is constantly interfering saying, "Me do, me do Mommy..."  I know that she is brilliant and that she is advanced for her age.  And that she is funny and cute and the most beautiful little girl in the world.  (Wait... all parents feel that way about their children?  Huh.)

There are times when people ask me what I do with my time at home and I feel a sort of responsibility to explain all of the things that I do.  Not too long ago, I was having a conversation with my Mom's boyfriend and he asked me, "So, what have you been doing with yourself?"  I understand that this was probably a very harmless question or at the least, a conversation starter.  But part of me began to panic.  How do I explain what I do?  Why am I feeling guilty that I have the time to watch every episode of General Hospital on a daily basis during Rosie's nap time?  Does he realize that I cook dinner, do laundry, sweep and vacuum fifteen times a day all the while keeping a little person excited and interested?  Or should I just break it down into:

Monday:  Gym Class with Dawny Dew
Tuesday:  Mini Kick It at Bruce Chung
Wednesday:  Wiggle & Giggle Time at the Library
Thursday:  Swim Class
Friday:  Music Class with Ellen Watermelon

People, people... I am doing things.  I swear I am.  And yes, while I have time to address my Christmas cards with matching holiday stamps while other people are at the work doing the daily grind, I promise you, I get just as exhausted and am working just as hard but in an entirely different manner.

I always judged people who stayed home and wondered how they could do something so... mundane and repetitive.  Well, let me tell you.  Lesson learned.  It isn't all peaches and cream.  And from now on, I am going to start to work on my confidence and feel good about who I am and what I am doing with my life.

Whew.  Vent over.

Pig Tails!

Oh... How I love these pigtails.  I was able to do this for the first time today.  Oh man, I needed a good laugh this morning!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Finger Painting 101

There's a first time for everything.  We tried finger painting this morning and it was really fun.  We put on some Ziggy Marley and rocked out with some fancy washable Crayola paints.  She just loved it!

We started with a paintbrush and a few colors.  She was very serious about her work!  
She kept asking for different colors to try.  "Mommy, purple peeease!"
It then turned into finger painting... I mean really, who needs a brush?
And finally... full blown body painting.    
 Maybe too much Ziggy Marley?
Needless to say, Rosie had a great time and it was a fun way for her to use her colors.  It may be time to invest in an easel for our little artist.  Or a full body smock.  Stay tuned!

Using My Noodle

Well, here it is.  My shiny new blog page dedicated to all things Mommy related.  I decided to do this in order to have a sounding board for myself when things seem overwhelming or just plain hysterical.  I haven't been behind the keys of a keyboard in quite some time.  I can't promise that this blog will be riveting, but it will be entertaining.   Mostly it will just be me sounding off about the hilarity of our family life, and giving myself the chance to use the old noodle since it feels like it is dormant most days.

I came up with the title of this blog thinking that I would commit myself to writing a post every Monday.  Hence, the name "Mommy Mondays".  As you can see, it is Thursday.  So, if anyone is out there, I just wanted to make sure that I set your expectations right where they should be.  In other words, Monday can turn into Tuesday... or in this case, Thursday.  Let's not get carried away with the technicalities of me having to keep my promise of posting on a Monday.

On to more important things, let me tell you a little bit about myself... I am a Stay at Home Mom to a beautiful little girl named Rosie.    She is the love of my life and makes every day fun from the time my feet hit the floor.  She is twenty... Okay, I have no idea how old she is.  She will be twenty-four months old on Valentine's Day.  So, that means that she will be twenty-two months old on the 14th of this month.  There!  She is twenty-two months old.

Seriously, does anyone else find it somewhat strange that we refer to our kids' ages in months?  When I leave a conversation, I literally have to do the math on my fingers.  "Okay, so... Her son is like what... a little more than a year and a half?"  It totally boggles my mind.  It is part of the new language I have been learning over the past twenty-two months called Mommy Lingo.

The first lesson I learned in Mommy Lingo, is that you no longer have the need to be on a first name basis with other people.  I am known as Rosie's Mom in all of our playgroups, music and gym classes.  Don't get me wrong, the very first time that someone called me Rosie's Mom, my heart almost exploded with pride.  I swore that was what I wanted to be called forever.

Since joining the ranks of the Stay at Home Moms in town, I bump into the same people time and time again.  And I hate to admit it, but I really don't know anyone's name.  I know all of their children's names, but I am most certainly not on a first name basis with anyone.  As soon as I meet someone, their first name goes directly in one ear and out the other, yet I am able to retain their kid's name with no problem whatsoever.  There has to be something wrong with that.  Preggo Brain?  Probably.  Anti-Social Issues?  Also a probability.

Anyway, I am Rosie's Mom.  And she is the love of my life.  However, when Rosie turns twenty-four months old, we will be welcoming a new member into our family.  I am expecting on February 21st, only seven short days after Rosie's 2nd birthday.  Needless to say, our household is about to experience a whole lot more crazy.  And I can't wait for every bit of it.