Thursday, November 29, 2012

Finger Painting 101

There's a first time for everything.  We tried finger painting this morning and it was really fun.  We put on some Ziggy Marley and rocked out with some fancy washable Crayola paints.  She just loved it!

We started with a paintbrush and a few colors.  She was very serious about her work!  
She kept asking for different colors to try.  "Mommy, purple peeease!"
It then turned into finger painting... I mean really, who needs a brush?
And finally... full blown body painting.    
 Maybe too much Ziggy Marley?
Needless to say, Rosie had a great time and it was a fun way for her to use her colors.  It may be time to invest in an easel for our little artist.  Or a full body smock.  Stay tuned!

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