Thursday, January 2, 2014

Hello New Year!

Sitting here drinking the coffee that I have warmed up three times, balancing our checkbook, paying bills, getting organized.  Daddy is back in the office, Rosie is at school for the morning and Tommy is in the middle of his morning slumber.  

It's so ironic how I can be heard complaining about the monotony of being stuck in a routine but yet thrive and get so many things done when we are back to normal.  

I never thought that I would be one of those Mom's that actually looked forward to sending their kid to school.  As a matter of fact, when Rose started Nursery School this past September, I cried my eyes out for the first two days.  She is only there for three mornings a week, but it was a big adjustment for me.  Seeing her become this independent little person with a backpack and a group of friends was a huge change.  It made me sad to see my little peanut wave goodbye and walk away from me into her classroom, without a care in the world.

Soon enough, I got over it and realized how good this was for her.  More importantly, it became clear how important it was for me.  Having mornings to myself gives me the time to have a little peace without a tornado of girly princess rambunctiousness following me around everywhere I go.

It also gives me a little quality time with Tommy, who deserves a little of that since he spends all of his time in the enthusiastic shadow of his big sister.  

 In this new year, I'd like to make a couple of resolutions to myself.  Do I want to get in shape and lose ten pounds?  Drink less, exercise more?  Of course.  But this year I've decided to love myself more, spend more time making messes with my kids instead of constantly cleaning them up and to go a bit easier on myself.  
After all, it is another year spending all of my time raising these two.  And I am so forever grateful to be experiencing the little people that they are becoming.

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