Wednesday, November 6, 2013


I love my little life.  I do.  But truth be told, I am struggling with the fact that I can no longer find time for myself.  As matter of fact, I am writing this blog post with two little rugrats, who are up much earlier than usual, running around the living room.  I'm attempting to slurp down my coffee which has been reheated twice and is now chilly again.  I'm sitting here writing this post because I am constantly thinki
ng -a+..*3*39+96*  ....And that was Rosie.


Ahem!  I am sitting here writing this ramble of a post because I am tired of not finding an excuse to sit myself down and write.  I love to write and it makes me feel good and that I have actually accomplished something other than organizing, cooking, cleaning or wiping little bums.

As a matter of fact, it is somewhat ironic that I consider blog writing "me time" and most of that time is spent discussing the ins and outs of the little people that we are raising.

I sound grouchy.  I don't mean to come across that way, but I am attempting to put it out there that I am having a really difficult time with the every day.  I need to make myself accountable.  I want to make a plan and stick to it.  Maybe even *GASP* take a yoga class.  I do find time to sit myself on the couch and submerge myself in a good book on my Kindle, watch a good TV show, squeeze in a shower and maybe even floss a tooth or two.  My point is... I am still here, in this house.  If I am not in the house, I am somewhere with them.  Most likely navigating a full shopping cart with my toddler captain and Little T in the Baby Bjorn, in a sweat because we have not used the potty in a forty-five minutes and an accident is imminent.  

I am craving quality alone time.

I originally started this blog and entitled it "Mommy Mondays" with the expectation that I would sit myself down and write a little ditty on Monday mornings about whatever was going on in our house or whatever inspired me to write.  I need to get back there again.  For my own piece of mind and most of all for my own self preservation!  These little monsters are truly the best thing that I have ever done with my life.  My own masterpieces.  But truth be told, I want more for myself.  And I think that by wanting more for myself, I will be able to be better for them.

Calling all Mommies:  How do you do it?  How do you make time for yourself?  HELP!

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